Sunday, 24 April 2011

Creative Milk Round

Registered to go to the creative milk round back in December but it was cancelled because some of the visiting professionals couldn't attend. This meant that I was able to get a spot when it was re-done in March. I registered and asked to speak to those involved in design and digital design and managed to get two interview slots. The first interview was with Hannah from Leeds Chamber of Commerce.

The interview with Chamber was very different to other interviews I'd had with people. Mainly this is because when I've been talking through my portfolio with people before they have been designers and so I've been quite confident in using terminology that designers might use. I also usually talk about what the brief was and why that made me make certain design decisions. When talking to someone from a more commercial background it felt that a different approach was probably needed. The discussion with Hannah went well, she liked the work for the Natural History Museum where I had used design to break down information. She mentioned that because the Chamber do a lot of different things for a variety of businesses its difficult to communicate what they do and they have a lot of information that needs breaking down.

I was in touch with Chamber a couple of times and went for another meeting with one of Hannah's colleagues. I've been in to work there a couple of times doing one day briefs. Last time I was in we did discuss perhaps working on a larger brief that I could get stuck into more so I'll pick that up in a couple of days.

At the milk round I also met with the managing director from Numiko, I talked through some of my portfolio but as I did I felt that my portfolio was a bit long so I need to address that. We discussed more about user needs and how to design for different audiences and it was really interesting. We discussed a potential placement and decided that two weeks working with the user interaction team might be useful. To learn about how they design for different users and their methods of research/user testing.

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