Wednesday 2 June 2010

An update on getting in touch with agencies

I'm currently still trying to get in touch with GTF and All of us. Since doing the NHM brief I feel more strongly that this is an area of design I want to investigate. Before when I sent them my portfolio there wasn;t really any work in there that was that appropriate to what they were doing. I emailed them my updated version of portfolio and so I'm going to wait a couple of days and then start phoning.
Nexus/Johnny Kelly - I emailed again a couple of times to find out about studio visits but to no joy. I'm not actually sure if I want to push this any further as I'm not sure it's something I want to pursue design wise
Bivouac - Sent them my portfolio and cv and they responded and said they would get back to me this week with an interview date
Rachel Oliver - I spoke to her at the beginning of the year and she was really helpful in discussing my work, I sent her some of the work I did for NHM and asked for some feedback on it. She'd suggested before that this was a possible area of design for me so I wanted to know what she thought. I also asked if she knew of any studios it might be worth me getting in touch with, hoping she has some contacts
Barnbrook - Sent them my portfolio on Friday to their jobs/placements email, they;ve specifically said not to call them so not sure how to handle that one
Nick Bell - Again, I have sent them my portfolio this week so am waiting back to hear from them

The most successful so far of my attempts is with Holmes-Wood. I sent them my portfolio last night and explained what I was interested in, and they've replied and asked me to meet them. So just waiting on dates, which is pretty good.

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