Monday 27 September 2010

Initial Statement of Intent/Rationale (to be reviewed)

During the last module of the second year it became apparent to me that my design practice was taking influence from the desire to help people. As a designer I don’t feel particularly comfortable with trying to persuade people to do things, to change, to buy into things. But rather, use my skills to help people do something that they already have an interest in.

This module is a chance for me to explore information design, for a range of audiences and contexts. I want to investigate further into designing for specific places, as well as design which can be used in a variety of different contexts without losing its meaning.

In the attempt to learn more about type and layout I have neglected image more than I would have liked to. I want to look more at image and how image can be used to inform.

As well as wanting to help people learn, I want to learn new things too. Portfolio feedback I received suggested that I use this year to show what my own interests are, and so subject wise I want to base briefs around my own interests or things that I want to know about.

I am also interested in developing my skills in design for digital/screen. I want to investigate the possibilities that technology allows in design, with considerations into movement, sound, interactivity and timing.

The briefs I intend on designing for should be diverse in how information is communicated. Rather than be specific to one area of information design, it’s important to me that they span across different formats and are used by different audiences.

At least one of the briefs will be based on way finding and environmental graphics, looking at signs and mapping for a specific place and thinking about how people move around an area and interact with the information within the place.

As well as environmental I want to produce work across both print and screen, and examine how each can be used in the delivery of information. Image in particular is important for me to investigate and so the briefs I do should consider how image is used as both still image and as moving image.

I want to become confident in web design, and so where suitable web should be considered for deliverables. I intend to use the workshops available to develop these skills, as I feel it will make me more employable.

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